Wild and Scenic Run




Overnight Canoe and Kayak Trip

Saturday and Sunday, June 21 and 22, 2003

Trip meets @ 9:00 AM  Sat, June 21, 2003 at Childs Bridge, Cherry St. All persons registering for the trip will receive maps/directions to the put in & take out.

Place to Register: All registration will be by mail or in person at Canoe Passage Outfitters at least one week prior to the trip

Trip Begins:  As soon as all the shuttling of cars and gear is complete: Saturday, June 22, 2002 from Childs Bridge, Cherry Street, Bridgewater/Halifax Line.

Trip Ends: 4 PM Weir Park, Taunton (Those who may want to continue can go to Somerset where the Lower Taunton Wild River Committee will be holding a "kickoff" event to gain Taunton River designation as a federal Wild and Scenic River

Overnight camping will be permitted at the Camp Titicut Reservation, Beech St, courtesy of the Bridgewater Conservation Commission

Cost: $35/boat, Mail check to TRWA P.O. Box 146, Bridgewater, MA 02324
TRWA Member: $25/boat   Scout & Church youth groups with adult leaders: $50.00/group. Groups will be responsible for moving their own gear/food.

Wearing of a PFD (Life Jacket) and extra paddle required at all times.  No Alcohol Allowed on the Trip

Youths under 18 years must be accompanied by an adult.

Not responsible for transportation of vehicles. Transportation of camping gear/food will be available to Titicut and the Weir. 

Canoe and Kayak rentals and shuttles are available from Canoe Passage Outfitters, Route 44, Raynham (508-824-1146).

Taunton River Watershed Alliance, Inc.

P.O. Box 146 Bridgewater, MA 02324
Phone: 508-697-5700    Fax: 508-697-3375
E-Mail: trwabrdg@ma.ultranet.com